Finally available is here the ultimate roguelite scoring sheet to accompany your pba box. Print in booklet form, it's 3 sheets. You won't regret your purchase...
Here is the revised campaign tracker. You gain the Boss 3 rewards; You gain by simply playing - no downgrading of letters, so (because each box has its own libr...
After messing around with a roguelite version for several days, I scratched the entire thing and started with a simple save sheet. In hindsight, it's still rogu...
There are two kinds of perk point system - a central one like in Dead Cells, where every character benefits from unlocks of any other previous run, OR much like...
So, as with any roguelite design the main metrics are: 1. how many rewards are built in (total) in-game? 2. what is the expected amount of runs? 3. what should...
Of course I should have waited until 2026 to buy PBA. But given my fun with dead cells and sts I was dead-set on getting the roguelite games and PBA didn't leav...