Campaign book vol.1

IMPORTANT: the 6 sheets provided should be printed on 120gsm single sided and not on 100% - the tokens will then be slightly larger than the ones from the base game. I reprinted on 80% size but then they were smaller than the ones in the box. So 90% should be ideal.

Added Campaign book vol.1 plus the necessary cards and tokens. Print tokens from both sheets twice so you have nice double layered tokens. Do not use card stock, make them such that they match the official mem special forces unit tokens.

Posted it here because DoW has removed the files from their corporate website and hence any possibility to purchase. In case you print the book, double check the page ordering before you sew in the pages. Page 113 should show the colofon and the back cover should be the one with the bar code.

Of course you can pay $100 for a copy on ebay. To be honest, I think that's a fair price - the original price was around $20 - because the book contains quality material and hundreds of setups. 

If I had volume 2, I would post it here as well, but vol.2 is eastern front which means you need several expansion boxes for m44 for russian and japanese troops. It's prudent to keep plastic figures to a minimum because by their nature they can't be sorted and retrieved in O(log n) time and in the end all they do is provide a barrier to actually get to play. 


Campaign book vol.1 + tokens (2 sheets).zip 33 MB
Nov 06, 2024

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