Thematic Circumstance table for base FoA
3.4 Circumstance table (context-sensitive)
- It’s assumed you have the tables laid out on the Circumstance bar, numbered from 1 to 8.
- When you must draw a Circumstance card:
- If you haven’t already done so, find and put together below cards per “table”. It’s best to label the cards in some way, for example wrap around some paper and print out the content for each (print this page and cut out with scissors). Most important is the table number however (1-7 + <H> for epic); the labeled contents will also help in case you roll the the entry “choose from any table”.
- Wrapper contents are sorted alphabetically, the table entry order doesn’t matter, the randomness comes from rolling a d8.
- Observe priority in tables – Adjacent to Enthralled and on a forest hex, you must roll from the. Enthralled table
- You may come across entries like “roll on another table". In that case, reroll and consult the indicated table for the entry you must resolve. This may happen multiple times. The intent is two-fold: (1) balance card probabilities better with terrain type sizes (you’re more often in a Forest than on Marshland), such as Marshland; (2) to make it possible, but rare, that unexpected encounters could happen, as if they were found wandering!
- Enthralled = Enthralled City or Enthralled Waypost.
- The Circumstance cards in the first print of the base game had exclamation marks (!) at the end ot most titles, which makes sense because the card reverses had a “!” printed; this was abandoned in later prints, which had an orange reverse with slashes across it.
- If the Circumstance labels the encounter as Dangerous, difficulty level goes up 1 for the duration of the battle (if your difficulty was Starter, it temporarily becomes Moderate, cannot go beyond Epic).
- Read the tables from left to right - whichever applies first.
- Roll a d8 and look up the entry for that table.
- Resolve the card you end up with.
- After resolving, put the card back into where it came from. If a card specifies to "draw one more card", roll again until you end up with “another card” and resolve that.
- This ends the Circumstance phase.
Adjacent to Acropolis: roll a d8 q <H> = Maimed q 2=Annoying Pixie; q 3=Elven Highguards; q 4=Mind Fog; q 5=Mindwiped Soldiers; q 6=Numbed; q 7=Oppressive Will; q 8={roll on the Enthralled table}; | Adjacent to Entralled: roll a d8: q <H> = roll on the epic table! q 2=Drained q 3=Greater Crystal Elemental; q 4=Mindwiped Mob q 5=Mindwiped Villagers q 6=Stolen q 7=Winged Thugs; q 8= {roll on the Terrain table} |
Adjacent to Battle Site (Red outline): roll a d8 q <H> = roll on the Epic table! q 2=A Nixie's Invitation; q 4=Animated Statue; q 3=Ashul's Workshop; q 5=Blood Wasps! q 6=Forestborn Spectre q 7=Magi's Cultists; q 8=Stonefang Serpent; | On a Forest hex -> Forest table: roll a d8 q <H> = roll on the Epic table! q 2=Forest Drake q 3=Giant Fox q 4=Great Elk q 5=Grove Lynx q 6=Helpful Nixie; q 7=Root System q 8={roll from Marsh table}; |
On a Dark Forest hex: roll a d8 q 2=Aggressive Thicket; q 3=Moonclaw; q 4=Remote Vale; q 5=Paragon's Hall; q 6=Sleepy Spore; q 7=Spiderkin; q 8=Wood Nymph; | On a Highland hex: roll a d8 q 2=Den Trolls; q 3=Ettin; q 4=Foul Wind; q 5=Owlbears; q 6=Skeletons; q 7=The Summer Court; q 8 = this isn't funny. |
On a Marsh hex: table: roll a d8 q <H> = roll on the Epic table! q 2=Boggards; q 3=Decaying Giant; q 4=Hallucinogenic Flora; q 5=Lonely Shaman; q 6=Mischievous Little Devils; q 7=Mossy Corpse; q 8=Tangled Dead; | Epic table: roll a d8. q <H> = choose 1 from any table! q 2=Elowen’s Errand; q 3=Ethereal Shard; q 4=Harvesting Kit; q 5=Pentimeny the Dragon; q 6=Red Clover; q 7=Revival Stone; q 8=What was that? |
Design notes:
I hope below text is clear enough? Based on sb.36 but that one had repeat entries, typos, mistakes in flagging as expansion, and the order of the tables made no sense, so it was essentially useless with only the FoA base game. With this table you can play FoA while having thematic encounters and events.
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