Descendants Perk v2.


Status: the Reference guide is finished.

That was quite a job, over four months of extremely hard cross-referencing of social media posts, hunting future rules and hours of back and forth discussions with the creators. Currently working on the Descendants perk. The reason why hexclusive roles are better suited for solo play than base game roles is investigated. A statistical analysis shows that the hexclusives are 29-34 ranks total, and base roles are 21-24.

At first I tried let's joint best of rank per stat of two placards, and best of stat of two races. That is not quite enough. 

Then I added all stats of a second placard. That gave ranks range of 45-50, way overpowered.

So I limited the addition to HEADFS (all stats except skill), which gave the rank overshoot range of 8-11.

Which led to finally distinguish 4 Descendant levels (below). 

At first I opted for a unlock levels within Descendants, but later it felt better to have all unlocks in the central Perks table, so it would be immediately clear to the player what is needed to gain the next Descendant level.

PS: I stopped after IV because IV is already a bit OP especially with all the perks already gained for the meta.

[_] Decendants Level IV =  Unlocked after the Descendants Level 3 row is filled.

      Instead of Level III, now select 4 different ranks from the secondary placard and add these base values to the corresponding net ranks on you primary.

[_] Decendants Level III = Unlocked after the Descendants Level 2 row is filled.

      Instead of Level II, now select 3 different ranks from the secondary placard and add these base values to the corresponding net ranks on you primary.

      Whenever you completed a run with this Descendant, tick off a box in the Descendants Level III row: [_][_][_][_][_]

      Having this row completely ticked unlocks Descendants Level IV.

[_] Decendants Level II = Unlocked after the Descendants Level I row is filled.

      Instead of Level I, now select 2 different ranks from the secondary placard and add these base values to the corresponding net ranks on your primary.

      Whenever you complete a run with this Descendant, tick off a box in the Descendants Level II row: [_][_][_][_]

      Having this row completely ticked unlocks Descendants Level III..

[_] Descendants Level I = Unlocked when the  3rd Mission was completed.

      After you combined the class and race stats into your role card, roll for the profession you second parent taught you – if any.

      If you rolled an entry that you haven’t played yet, skip Descendants;

      If you rolled the current role, keep rerolling until you rolled a different role.

      Take the placard that corresponds to the role you rolled.

      Consider all its ranks and their printed base values - except the the skill ones (ignore green/yellow/lightblue).

      Choose 1 stat. Add its printed base value to the same stat’s rank on your primary placard. (Attack bonus to attack etc);

      Whenever you complete a run with such a Level 1 Descendant, tick off a box in the Descendants Level I row: [_][_][_] Having this row completely ticked unlocks Descendants Level II..


FoA++ Roguelite Tutorial v1.4.2.pdf 4.2 MB
Aug 11, 2024

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