
To have more meaningful events (what HI calls circumstances) 

There is an optional table in the base game (sb). The rudimentary, poorly thought through table (unmarked expansion only entries thanks guys) has you roll a d10 and read the entry you rolled based on the hex you are on (grassland, highland, etc). Then you find that card from the circ deck and resolve it. So, instead of the standard (anything goes) shuffling, you need to sort the circ deck to find the "rolled card" quickly.

Since the draw deck now is ordered, you would want to optimize the hassle of finding the intended card. So simply mark the backs of the circ cards with the number (2-10, 1 is for epic table in bottom right of the page) and the terrain type (or table id), it would make sense to print these on paper and put them in place with scotch tape (of a kind that doesn't leave residue nor damages the back after removal).

My first thought was to modify  by reducing it to base game only, and draw each card only once then discard. But the table has duplicates (2 different terrains can trigger the same card) so there are two options:

  • no discard: memoryless dice can cause you to roll the same multiple times. But less of a hassle;
  • discard: whatever is resolved depletes the draw deck. If you roll a card that is gone, what do you do. And when do you put the discard back into the draw deck (reset).
    • Take the next available card you find in the draw deck, even if that card would be rolled on another terrain? 
    • Reroll die until you hit some card? What if the entire table is emptied, do we need a "fallback" table? 
    • If the near enthralled deck is empty you can fall back to the grassland deck. If the fallback (parent) is also depleted, you would first reset the draw deck then continue.

Obviously put event back in the deck, always available, is the least administration and rules. Then you only need to worry about sorting the circ deck in order to find the "rolled card"

  • IF I were to modify the table entries to remove duplicates, the deck could be splitted into separate sets, one per terrain. That "feels" the most natural.

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Oh and since the ultimate goal would be to prep for the fota book, might as well read how they've done the circ in the book. Or watch Rob play KM since that book came out long after the rudimentary sketches on circumstances and valor in the game boxes vol 1-3 (KM was finalized before MN).