TFR Changelog

Changelog TFR


version date         by   notes

v0.5    2022-5-08    Gabe initial, got a lot of feedback via ks and bgg.

v0.6    2022-6-17    Gabe

v1.0    2022-11-23   Gabe his final.

v1.1    2023-1-12    Kos  = reordered chapters.

                          - removed repetitions

                          + added easy mode + scoring.


v1.3    2023-1-13  Kos    + added Very Easy mode, modifiers where applicable.

                          + Worked the game mode effects on each rule detail.

                          + renamed actions Descend/Fight/Travel.

                          + def of when a hero becomes incapacitated.

                          + expanded setup, now use a single draw pile.


v1.4    2023-1-13  Kos    removed duplicates.

v1.5    2023-1-14  Kos    start draft of Roguelite remodeling of TFR. Lots of rework.

v1.6    2023-1-15  Kos    + added hyperlinks.

                          + added numbers to each section to ease navigation

                          + added missing add of dungeon entrance after road boss.


v1.7    2023-1-16  Kos    + Booklet is now 14 pages (A4) i.e. 28 pages A5

                          + enlarged font to 24pt to print A5, 40 pages.

                          + clarified wound tokens vs incapacitated/exhausted.

                          + clarified definitions of pass and fail.


v1.7.1  2023-1-17  Kos    fixed typo and inconsistency check/phase/test.

                          + game components were wrong, fixed it.

v1.7.6  2023-2-03  Kos    geriatric version, game summary on back cover, it's finished now. Enjoy!   

                          how to print is in the filename itself: double paged a4, centralized, 40 pages, preferably color.


v1.7.2  2023-1-18  Kos    - removed #attempts in roguelike because they made no sense.

                          + added legend to the scoring to explain how to denote.

                          -> booklet is now 40 pages.


v1.7.3  2023-1-20  Kos    + repaired a few errors and omissions.

                          -> reduced text from 24pt to 22pt, now booklet is 36 pages.

v1.7.4  2023-1-24  Kos    + added front image

v1.7.5  2023-1-27  Kos    + realized in roguelite wins you need to handle KIA as well.

                          -> reordered text into definitions, and added a summary on back page

                          - now game rulebook is 40 pages again somehow :-(

v1.7.6  2023-2-2   Kos    Layout improved, rewrote synopsis

v1.7.7  2023-2-3   Kos    Added section naming the three editions. Oops!


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May 22, 2024

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